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Nasso Wonder Kuker is a member of the kuker group of the village of Okopyanee. Wonder Kuker is his nickname. It comes from his resilience. At the end of the performances, Nasso plays a solo dance and a pantomime. They always result in a scandal. The new pantomime shows the bad side of the strong Bonev family's business. They cut down trees. The audience sees a forest, cutting and agony. They criticize Bonevs. One of the young Bonevs defends their image. The other Bonevs are leaving the show. Suddenly, a wind storm and heavy rain interrupt the festival. The audience flees. People avoid the branches that fall and fly.
1bg, 1en, 1ru, 2bg, 2en, 2ru, 3bg, 3en, 3ru, 4bg, 4en, 4ru, 5bg, 5en, 5ru, 6bg, 6en, 6ru, 7bg, 7en, 7ru, 8bg, 8en, 8ru, AB1bg, AB1en, AB1ru, AB1bg-s, AB1en-s, AB1ru-s
The mystery of Nasso Wonder Kuker and his kuker costume remains unnoticed. It includes resilience, artistry and clairvoyance. Wonder Kuker every time shows the bad deeds of some spectator. Something leads Nasso to that person. The thing suggests the pantomime to Nasso. The person protests, complains and threatens. Then, a natural element appears like part of the pantomime.
The kuker group of the village of Okopyanee does not want the problems. They want to stop the one-man show, but cannot. There are motions that Nasso is not in the group. The majority do not accept them. The kuker custom remains open to all. Kukeri is a Bulgarian folk masquerade. In the past, it showed boys' maturity. First, they go kukers, and then they can get married. Kukers also chase bad spirits. The custom is for fertility as well. It is held every year, eight weeks before Easter.
Both Nasso and his kuker costume look ordinary. Nasso himself made his costume. He has a family and a child. He is at the age of Christ. He is a good person. Nasso is very intelligent. Years ago, he was a scientist in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He left science because his family wanted more money. Nasso is self-sacrificing, honest, and very fair. Nasso Wonder Kuker did not immediately realise the mystery. The mysteries are in the culture and history of Bulgarians. Nasso is a curious research scientist and biological being at the same time. These two sides of him fight each other. It is due to fear of the great power and control of some people.
Yulia is Nasso's wife. She first ignores Wonder Kuker in Nasso. But Bonevs take revenge on Nasso, so she is very worried. Nasso loses his job. He cannot find another job. It is strange, because he is a valuable employee, and has good references. The family does not have enough money. Spouses do not understand each other well anymore. Yulia does not speak to Nasso. She decides to leave Nasso. She is filling a suitcase with clothes and toys. Nasso is watching. He is finally openly speaking to Yulia. He wants to keep her. Yulia is angry with him, because of his secret of Wonder Kuker. She is against his dangerous pantomimes. Her decision is firm. Yulia tells Nasso, "Stay away from my child!" She does not want the child to be like Nasso.